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August 20, 2021 UPDATE


1. String Sprouts will resume in person classes on September 7, 2021.


2. We will be adhering to all school district, city, county and state health guidelines. Each district will be implementing different policies and procedures so please follow the guidelines provided to you before the start of classes.


3.  Parents have been provided our protocal for classes in addition to the school policies.


4.  Be flexible. It is likely that we will have interruptions during the year with the continued rise in COVID cases. However, we will hold Sprouts classes virtually if we are unable to do so safely in a school building.


Please feel free to reach out with any questions.  We are so thankful for all of you who do so much every day to assure your Sprouts continue to blossom as young musicians! 


We are looking forward to see you all in person soon!



String Sprouts KC Staff



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